Welcome to Sixth Form Virtual Induction Day 2021
We are excited to bring you this year's virtual Sixth Form Induction Taster Day!
Please start by watching the virtual tour, staff introduction and student testimonial videos. There will be live talks during the morning as detailed here:
Live Introduction Recording
![](/portals/0/Images/Sixth form induction day/Welcome-Intro-ss.jpg?ver=ahAzNc-lzTNPReDQ6SCspg%3d%3d)
with Mrs Rigby, Head of Sixth Form and Miss Zaman, Head of Year 12. Use this link to access: https://youtu.be/nkXXZYvB1X4
'Sixth Form Life at Northampton Academy'
Click the image or use this link to access the recording: https://youtu.be/GnKYFbGiVNw
Q&A Session Recording
Click the image or use this link to access the recording:https://youtu.be/ug6crcp-FSQ
Please take part in our taster lessons for the subjects that interest you.
Pre-recorded videos and taster lesson links will are available below.
We hope you enjoy the day and look forward to meeting you.