Northampton Academy Character Enrichment
Enrichment is a very important part of the Northampton Academy experience, ensuring students have the opportunity to develop new skills, talents and character outside their formal learning environment. We offer a wealth of clubs including music, drama, sports, gaming and reading. The calendar changes termly so please see the latest one below.
We are proud to provide a breadth of enrichment opportunities that link directly to the whole school focus of developing character.
All opportunities are free and the vast majority are open to all year groups. We will always record attendance in order to safeguard your child and track participation for celebration and reflection purposes.
Sometimes we have external staff come and support or lead a specialist provision in order to provide a breadth of high quality enrichment opportunities.
Regularly attending clubs and activities is proven to aid development in young people academically, emotionally and socially.
Please encourage your child to select activities from our offer and then show commitment towards the regular attendance of what they’ve chosen to maximise the experience.
Whilst the majority of our opportunities do not require ‘signing up’ to, it is worth noting that some activities have a maximum number. However in these instances the cohort will rotate half termly in order to allow everyone the opportunity to engage.
The current timetable of activities is here to view and download: