Student Leadership
Student Leadership Team
At Northampton Academy we are very proud of our Student Leadership Team. The proactive student leaders are run by our Head People to ensure that students are at the forefront of all decision making on behalf of our school community.
Our elected student council represent the student body and are responsible for implementing positive change at Northampton Academy. The Head people meet once a fortnight with the Principle to discuss the school student leadership strategies.
Our leadership communities meet weekly to discuss actions and initiatives brought to their attention by all students and staff. The student leaders have set up two successful communication mechanisms to share information and ideas consistently. The weekly ‘What’s on table’ and email address provide the opportunity to become involved in student leadership and support our school community.

All of our student leadership positions are allocated to students who have been successful in a rigorous application process that involves an interview with our head people and senior members of staff. They are recognised throughout the school with our orange lanyards, purple ties for prefects and student leadership team badges. They have varied responsibilities ranging from assisting and supporting in daily duties to organising standalone events to better our school environments. They also lead on our four different leadership responsibilities which are voted for by leaders for the benefit of our school priorities.
These leadership communities meet fortnightly and report back to our student council:
Student voice community is responsible managing the student voice through email but also for controlling the school community by newsletter and conducting regular student surveys
Antibullying ambassadors are responsible for maintaining high standards relating to bullying issues reported to the through our telling school programme.
Carbon neutral community leaders are responsibility for driving the ethos of our carbon neutral message. They meet with our action group to help monitor and implement strategies for this key priority.
Literacy community leaders are responsibly for promoting literacy and oracy across the school and getting more students engaged with another one of our school priorities.
We also have our Sports leaders, Library leaders and Digital leaders who work daily on these popular and important programmes within our school. These additional communities help maintain our commitment to offering student leadership to all students but also encourage the taking part in extracurricular and enrichment opportunities that help develop the character of all stakeholders by linking with the local community and national competitions.