SEND Information
Northampton Academy remains committed to being an inclusive, mainstream secondary school and we value all learners irrespective of their ability and additional needs. We will be working with young people, parents/carers and other agencies over the coming year to ensure policies and practices keep the young person central to decision making and that we support their best possible preparation for adulthood.
In doing this we will take time in producing documents and developing provision through proper consultation and co-production with our young people and their parents/carers.
For more information and to be part of the discussions and developments please contact Mrs Jones, Assistant Principal for Inclustion and SENDCO by email or by telephone 01604 210017.
Northampton Academy’s SEND Information Report can be accessed here>>>
Northamptonshire County Council’s Local Authority’s Local Offer can be accessed here>>>
Our Governor for SEND is Mrs Amy Whenham who can be contacted via our Clerk to Governors
We look forward to continuing to work with our young people and their families to develop our SEND provision even further, so that we can support ‘The best in everyone’.
Louise Jones - Assistant Principal - Inclusion and SENDCO