01604 210017

Attendance and Punctuality

It is vital we work to teach our students the value of attending the Academy at 8.40am each day. We do understand that on some occasions children may be ill and unable to attend the Academy. 

Please make sure you call us on 01604 210040 or 01604 210043 to report the absence and follow this up with a note or letter explaining the reason for absence.

Attendance Matters

There is a clear link between academic outcomes and school attendance. We want all students to achieve excellent outcomes to give themselves the very best chance in life.

There are 175 non-school days per year for holidays, shopping and appointments. There is no need, except in extreme circumstances to miss a day’s education. If you miss one session in a week (remember, there are two sessions per day) your attendance is 90%. This means you miss 19 days of education in a year and risk dropping one grade in your GCSEs. 

We take absence very seriously. We target intervention with students whose attendance falls below 95%. This has a positive effect on attendance at the school.

Absence to be granted only under exceptional circumstances

From September 2013, schools may not grant leave of absence during term time unless there are ‘exceptional circumstances’. Therefore the Principal can no longer authorise holidays or extended leave. If five or more consecutive day’s unauthorised leave is taken you will be referred to the Local Authority for prosecution.

This is the result of amendments that have been made to the 2006 pupil registration regulations in the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013, which came into force on 1st September 2013. The 2013 amendments to the 2006 regulations remove references to family holidays and extended leave as well as the statutory threshold of 5 school days.

In addition from September 2013 Northampton Academy will be pursuing penalty notices with parent(s)/guardian(s) where a pupils’ school attendance is at an unacceptable level. This is in line with amendments that have been made to the 2007 penalty notices regulations in the Education (Penalty Notices) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013. These amendments came force on 1st September 2013. Furthermore, if the absence is not authorised then the pupil may be deleted from the roll after 20 school days. In such an event the parent/guardian(s) would have to reapply for a place at the Academy.

Medical Appointments

Medical appointments should be made outside of normal school hours. The Academy must be notified of any medical appointments taking place during school hours. Proof of the appointment must be shown to attendance prior to the appointment, this can be in the form of a medical appointment card, appointment letter or text from the medical surgery at which the appointment will take place.


During Tutor Time, your child will take part in our Tutor Reading Programme and will be at a disadvantage if they are not in school on time. The school day starts at 8.45am and we expect your child to be in tutor time at that time. Late arriving pupils also disrupt lessons during the day.

How we manage lateness to school and lessons

Lateness to school

Any student arriving after 8.40am is issued a 45 min SLT sanction after school*. Failure to attend an after school sanction will result in a 1 day Internal Exclusion.

For Sixth Form students see Sixth Form Student Handbook on procedure for signing in and out of school, using our visitor entry system.

*Please note we will allow 1 late per term (maximum 3 in total for year) for students where lateness is out of their control e.g. car accident. The parent/carer must contact the school to make us aware before the student arrives for this to be authorised. If this does not happen then the 45 min SLT sanction will remain in place.

If lateness happens more than once in a half term then the parent/carer must put in writing to the school, before 12pm the following day, the reason why the lateness was out of the students control for this to be authorised. If this does not happen then the 45 min SLT sanction will remain in place.

Punctuality letters will be issued to parents after their child have been late over 10 times in an academic year.

A student will be placed into IE after 3 occasions of being late to school. This will also happen every 3 times of being late after this e.g. when they hit 6 lates, 9 lates, 12 lates, 15 lates etc...

Lateness to lessons

Any student who arrives after the bell will have a 45 min SLT detention.  For Sixth Form, refer to Student Handbook.

Parents can be prosecuted if their child persistently arrives late after the register has officially closed. We will monitor persistent late comers and action will be taken.


Our full attendance policy can be viewed using the link below:

Attendance Policy >>>



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