Students and staff at Northampton Academy are celebrating the school’s highest Progress 8 score to date after the Department of Education released new league tables today.
Progress 8 is a government measure that compares the progress individual students make between starting secondary school and taking their GCSEs with other students nationally who had a similar starting point. Each school is given a numeric score, with anything over zero showing that on average students have made above national progress.
This year Northampton Academy has seen its Progress 8 score rise to +0.64 which makes the school the highest performer in Northampton and in the top three performers in the county. Progress was ‘well above’ the national average, putting the school in the top 10% nationally. Progress for students from disadvantaged backgrounds or on free school meals was also impressive with a Progress 8 score of +0.51 for students on Pupil Premium.
The academy’s noteworthy Progress 8 performance comes after students achieved an impressive set of GCSE results this summer. 64% of students achieved five or more 9-4 grades including English and maths, with 67% of students achieving a pass in both English and maths.
Nat Parnell, Principal of Northampton Academy, said:
“I am delighted with our Academy’s Progress 8 score of +0.64 and am proud of all our students and staff for the hard work and commitment they have shown to achieve this level of progress. This score indicates that our students are achieving well over half a grade higher, in each of their subjects, than they otherwise would be expected to achieve on average.
“What is particularly pleasing is this high progress is reflective of all our pupils regardless of their background or their ability levels. At Northampton Academy, we encourage each and every one of our students to have the highest aspirations and support all of them in achieving their very best results, regardless of the obstacles or challenges they face. Congratulations again to all of our young people, families, and staff for their efforts.”
The tables for Northamptonshire can be viewed by clicking here >>>
Overall Progress 8 chart Northampton:
Overall Progress 8 chart Northamptonshire: