On Thursday, March 28th, 2024, Northampton Academy celebrated its annual 'My Culture Day'. This year's theme was 'Walking in My Shoes', which fits with our mantra of 'Our Differences Unite Us'.
Students were encouraged to wear cultural dress representing their identity or culture, in return for a small donation of £1. The funds collected will be donated to our three supported charities: Cynthia Spencer Hospice, Northampton Hope Centre, and Street Child.
It was an action-packed day filled with learning and fun. Students attended an online talk with Musharaf Asghar, also known as 'Mushy', who was featured on the TV show 'Educating Yorkshire' as a child. Mushy spoke to students about his struggles at school after developing a stammer following an asthma attack, how it had affected his confidence, and how he became disengaged in the classroom. Students were keen to ask questions and learned about how he overcame these obstacles and his journey into adulthood, being able to confidently speak of his experiences.
In addition to Mushy, students received a presentation from 'Talk Consent' as well as lessons on managing mental health and understanding the impact of violence on girls, both in the UK and in the wider world. Students learned to identify issues around gender-based violence facing young people around the world as they attend school, as well as understand how to manage their own mental health and empathise with others who may be suffering.
Other highlights of the day included a visit from Chickenshed, an inclusive theatre group that received a golden buzzer for its performance on Britain's Got Talent. The group gave a moving performance that depicted the different prejudices the group had faced in their lives, telling their stories through music, drama, and dance.
During lunchtime, students in the Sixth Form held a fashion show for their peers in Year 11. It was a vibrant event with a spectrum of colourful outfits, and at break time, street food from around the world was on offer for students to enjoy.