A careers event, 'Ladies that Lunch' was held for Year 9 girls interested in taking Computer Science for their GCSEs to give them some insight into the type of careers available to those who take this route. This event was part of our celebrations of International Womens' Day.
Ms Coles invited in some female visitors who have careers in the computing industry. They took the time to sit and talk with the girls about their experiences working in a traditionally male-orientated sector.
One of our Sixth form students and subject leads in Computer Science, Marisa, took part in the event, speaking with the girls about her choices to study Computer Science at both GCSE and A Level, and her plans to continue studying it at university.
Students gave some great feedback after the event:
I think that today has made me feel more open to the idea of a career in computing and made it seem a lot less intimidating. – Ellie-May
It has made me feel quite calm and relaxed, and I now have an understanding of IT and Computer Science opportunities. - Leah
The event has made me feel more open to Computer Science jobs. I hadn't even thought of it before. - Paige
It was lovely to see all these successful women in Computer Science careers - Georgia
We would like to thank all the visitors who took part in this event.