Did you know that astronauts must exercise for two hours a day to prevent muscle atrophy due to the absence of gravity? 29 of our Year 9 students learnt this fact and much more on their trip to the Space Centre on 6th June. Beginning with an animated movie in the centre’s full-dome 360-degree planetarium, students learnt what it’s like to be an astronaut. At times it was nauseating to be in a room that felt like it was spinning at immense speeds, but Kian said that it was ‘one of his best experiences’ of the day and commented on the reclining chairs for the full immersive experience.
Students also participated in a Mars Rover coding activity which involved programming their team’s rover to complete certain tasks, including launching a catapult at an alien. The day demonstrated how students could apply their STEM-related skills from school to the world of astronomy, showing that they, too, could become the next Mae Jemison!