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Black History Month


Black History Month

This year in the Academy, we took our first step in striving toward a more eloquent, inclusive, and open national narrative, starting with Black History Month. 

Students Plant Trees to Mark Call To Earth Day


Students Plant Trees to Mark Call To Earth Day

Students at the academy commemorate Call to Earth Day by working together to plant seven trees across the school’s grounds.

Our First Nucleus Engineering Lecture with Jessica Gagen


Our First Nucleus Engineering Lecture with Jessica Gagen

On Thursday 11th November we welcomed Jessica Gagen to the Academy who delivered the latest in our Nucleus STEM Lecture programme, and the first Engineering specific lecture.

Forbes Featured Alumni Presents to Students as Part of Black History Month


Forbes Featured Alumni Presents to Students as Part of Black History Month

Northampton Academy was delighted to host a virtual talk from Alumni, Tremaine Richard-Noel as part of our Black History Month celebration programme.

Sixth Form Open Evening 2022


Sixth Form Open Evening 2022

Thank you to all those who attended this year's Sixth Form Open Evening, it was a successful evening and we were pleased to welcome a record number of Year 11 students and their families, both from Northampton Academy and other schools in the area.

Ofsted Investors in People School Sport Partnership


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