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Sixth Form Leadership Team Changeover


Sixth Form Leadership Team Changeover

To celebrate the final week of our current Sixth Form student leadership team, we held a celebratory brunch.

Principal's Fortnightly Message, 17th May 2024


Principal's Fortnightly Message, 17th May 2024

Dear Parents and Carers, 

The previous two weeks have been exceptional at Northampton Academy. Lots of fantastic work has been completed in and out of the classroom. This is shown every Friday on our Proud Table. Please do encourage your child to come along to the proud table. If they show eight pieces of work, they will go into the draw to win an iPad. 

Sixth Form Guide Dog Experience


Sixth Form Guide Dog Experience

Volunteers from the Guide Dog Association visited Sixth Form students at Northampton Academy as part of a wellbeing and stress relief initiative.

Nucleus VI Silverstone Interactive Experience


Nucleus VI Silverstone Interactive Experience

Nucleus VI Engineering students visited the Silverstone Museum to learn about engineering and F1 motor racing.

Young Athletes Through to County Championships


Young Athletes Through to County Championships

This past week, 32 young athletes from Northampton Academy participated in the Annual Northampton Schools Athletics Championships held at Rockingham Triangle Corby.

Ofsted Investors in People School Sport Partnership


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