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Principal's Fortnightly Message, 7th June 2024

Categories: Latest Academy News, Featured

Friday 7th June 2024 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

It has been an excellent first week back to school following the May half term, and I am delighted to share some highlights and achievements from our school community. 

Firstly, I want to extend a huge well done to our Year 11 and Year 13 students who have had an excellent week of GCSE and A-Level exams. Their hard work and dedication are truly commendable. Additionally, our Year 7-10 students have had a brilliant first week of End of Year assessments. Their commitment to their studies is evident, and they should all be very proud of themselves. 

This week, we also commemorated the 80th anniversary of D-Day on the 6th June. This significant event in history provided an important learning opportunity for our students, and we engaged in various activities to honour and remember those who served. 

I am thrilled to announce that we had three winners in the United Learning Best in Everyone awards. A big congratulations to Mrs Green for winning the Inspirational Teacher of the Year award, to Thomas in Year 13 for winning the Drama award, and to Ashiki in Year 12 for winning the Biology award. This is an incredible achievement for all three, and we are immensely proud of them. 

Looking ahead, I am excited about the upcoming weeks, which are filled with numerous exciting trips and experiences planned for our students. These opportunities will undoubtedly enrich their educational journey and create lasting memories. 


We continue to update and celebrate students completing a full weeks attendance and congratulate the lucky weekly winners in each year who have received a prize from us to date. 

The students have all been set a target of 98% attendance for this final half term and will reflect on their percentage figure weekly with their tutor in order that they understand where they are at. 

There are a total of 35 days in this half term, so the target of 98% equates to 34 days of physical presence here with us learning right up to the end of the academic year. 


You may be entitled to free school meals for your child(ren) if you receive one of the following benefits: 

  1. Income Support 
  2. Income Based Job Seekers Allowance 
  3. Child Tax Credit Only (with income up to £16,190) with no element of Working Tax Credit 
  4. National Asylum Seekers Support 
  5. Guarantee Element of the State Pension Credit 
  6. Employment and Support Allowance 
  7. Universal Credit (Income Related) 

Please use this link for more information and how to apply: 

Northampton Academy > Parents > Free School Meals (northampton-academy.org) 

Uniform Expectations reminder 

We would like to remind you of Northampton Academy's uniform policy. Students are expected to wear the full uniform at all times. This includes keeping their shirts tucked in and wearing their blazers. An optional blue jumper can be worn if necessary. Please note that an untucked shirt can result in a 45-minute detention. For those unable to provide the correct uniform, the Academy offers a loan-out uniform. Additionally, our jewellery policy permits only one stud earring per ear; no rings, bracelets, necklaces, or nose piercings are allowed. Students are also not permitted to have fake or coloured nails. Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring our students maintain a neat and professional appearance. 

Proud table 

Every Friday at lunchtime, we have a special table where students can showcase pieces of work, they feel particularly proud of or that teachers have praised them for. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to celebrate their achievements, whether they are from their schoolwork or from extracurricular activities. 

Students who bring their work to the Proud Table will receive certificates and stamps on their reward card. Collecting these stamps will enter them into a draw to win exciting prizes at the end of the term, including Amazon vouchers and an iPad! 

We encourage parents to support their children by looking through their books and folders on Thursday evenings. Discuss with your child what they are most proud of from the past week and make sure it is in their bag, ready to share on Friday. 

We would also love to see examples of achievements from outside of school. Whether it's a gymnastics certificate, a swimming medal, a drama performance, or a singing competition, we welcome students to bring in any examples of work, activities, or hobbies they are proud of. 

Let's celebrate our students' hard work and achievements together- we look forward to seeing the wonderful things they have accomplished each Friday at the Proud Table. 

Equipment check 

As we strive to ensure every student is well-prepared and set up for success at school, students are reminded of the essential equipment that they need to bring to school daily. For students in Years 7-10, it is essential to bring a DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) book. In addition, all students are expected to have the following items in their bag every day: 

- Pencil case 

- Blue or black pen 

- Pencil 

- Pencil sharpener 

- Rubber 

- Ruler 

- Scientific calculator 

Students are encouraged to borrow books from the library, which is open every day before school, after school, during break, and at lunch. 

There will be equipment checks on June 12th and July 3rd in tutor time. 

Northampton Education Awards - School of the Year 

We are looking to enter Northampton Academy as Secondary school of the Year after our success in 2021 and being shortlisted last academic year. The process includes parent testimonials, and if you would be willing to submit one, please send it to w.rees-crouch@northampton-academy.org by the 8th July. 

Year 12 Trips/UCAS 

Year 12 have a number of trips comings up this term, so please ensure that consent and payment is made (where applicable). These include: 

UCAS and Apprenticeship for June 24th 

Cambridge University trip for June 17th (for those who have been invited) 

Students also have some key dates for their UCAS application coming up: 

Wednesday 5th June – second draft UCAS 

Wednesday 3rd July – third draft UCAS 

This is to ensure they have enough feedback to work on over summer and are in a strong position, ready to apply for apprenticeships/universities in September. 


Reminder for Year 11s, they should all have applied for a post-16 destination, and preferably a backup choice for September. If in doubt, always apply for more than one course as there is a high chance most courses will be at capacity by September. Northampton and Moulton Colleges have open days coming up shortly, so please check their websites for dates and times. Support is always available in the careers office any time of day for all Year 11 students. 

Some of aspiring Year 12 medical based students will have an excellent opportunity to visit a pharmacy based talked next month, which will include insights from industry experts. Finally, we finish with some labour market information with the focus on the economy & GDP in Northamptonshire. Please click the link for more information North Northamptonshire Economy | Labour Market & Industries (varbes.com) 

Home learning praise 

Please encourage your child to complete their home learning to the best of their ability in order to be in with a chance of gaining a home learning proud card. 

If they receive a card, they can take this to the proud table on Fridays and enter the weekly book token draw and receive stamps on their HL cards which will go towards the end of term proud table draw. 

KS3 Assessments 

The KS3 EOY assessments are underway, and pupils have been very focused on these in class this week. Please keep encouraging students to use their support and guidance booklets to revise at home for the final week of EOY assessments. 

Year 11 

Another strong week for Year 11. A reminder that, next week is their last full week at school, from the 17th June students only need to come in for their final exams and the top tips pre-examinations. 

Year 10 

End of Year Assessments have started well, and we have completed the first full week. 

Students have been provided with a support and guidance booklet for all subjects in term 4, this is on the website and Satchel:One for reference and they have received a ‘how to revise’ assembly to help them prepare. 

These assessments will take place in the classroom, and students should come prepared for these during their normal subject lessons. 

Some Year 10 students for some subjects have been given the opportunity to attend Period 6. This is an intervention session for Year 10, where particular focus on small groups will help to support them transitioning in the Summer to Year 11. A letter will be sent home if your child has been invited. These sessions are very important to support the subject and the level that they are at. These sessions will become more widely and frequently available in Year 11. 

Some students will also be offered the opportunity to be mentored in the morning, with breakfast to support. Again if your child is invited, you will receive a letter detailing the day and times. Again this is to support with transitioning into Year 11, but working on skills, such as determination and ambition to support. 

Thank you for your continued support. 

Kind regards, 

Owen Jones 


Principal's Fortnightly Message, 7th June 2024

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