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Young Athletes Through to County Championships

Categories: Latest Academy News, Sport, Featured

This past week, 32 young athletes from Northampton Academy participated in the Annual Northampton Schools Athletics Championships held at Rockingham Triangle Corby. Between them, the students participated in 51 track and field events. While the Year 8 and 9 students participated in the junior competition, the Year 10s took part in the Intermediate events.

Throughout the day, our school values of as determination and ambition were evident on the track. We also witnessed an abundance of respect, integrity, and tolerance from the students on the sidelines.

The standard of athletics was incredibly competitive, and there were many highlights. We are proud to congratulate Grace for the Shot Put and Ruby for the Javelin, who have both been selected to compete in the County Championships next month.

Young Athletes Through to County Championships

Ofsted Investors in People School Sport Partnership


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