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Principal's Fortnightly Message 5th July 2024

Categories: Latest Academy News, Featured

Friday 5th July 2024 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

I cannot believe it is July already and that this is my second to last letter of the year! Many wonderful things are going on at Northampton Academy right now and here are just a few: 

  • Year 12 students went to the Climate Change Conference at Keele University 
  • Year 10 and 11 students have completed their first week in Zanzibar 
  • Year 11 and 13 proms were brilliant events 
  • Lots of visits to the Proud Table from all year groups 
  • NA’s Got Talent was an amazing event on Friday with so many great performances 
  • Our new prefects have been selected for next year 
  • Year 10 and 11 students completed their Duke of Edinburgh expedition last week 
  • Two of our Year 7 students became Athletics County Champions last week which is a phenomenal achievement 

Attendance – Stricter Penalties for Term Time Holidays 

We wish to inform you about the new, Department for Education, stricter penalties for school absences due to unauthorised term-time holidays, which will take effect from August 2024. Under these updated rules, parents who take their children out of school during term time for holidays will face fines of £160, with the possibility of imprisonment for non-compliance. The new national framework mandates that schools consider fines when a child misses ten or more sessions without authorisation. Last year, nearly 400,000 penalty notices were issued across England for such absences. We urge you to prioritise your child's education by adhering to attendance regulations to avoid these severe legal consequences. Your cooperation is essential in ensuring that our students receive the uninterrupted education they deserve. 

Sixth Form 

Year 12 students and their parents had a talk from Miss Saleh this week on UCAS, Apprenticeships, Year 12-13 transition, summer schools, along with student finance. For any parent who missed the talk, a pre-recorded version with the handouts are available here: 


Celebrating Preparedness and Determination in Learning 

This week we honoured our students who consistently demonstrate readiness and determination in their learning journey. Awards and certificates were proudly distributed to students in each year group who achieved 100% equipment readiness throughout the year. Additionally, we recognised those students who consistently maintained high presentation standards in their books. These achievements underscore our commitment to celebrating ambition and determination in our students. 

Introducing the Proud Portfolio Initiative We are excited to announce a new initiative called the Proud Portfolio, currently being trialled with Tutor group - 7S this year, with plans to expand to all Year 7 students next year. 

Students in 7S have been tasked with compiling a Proud Portfolio, showcasing their best work and reflecting on the achievements they are most proud of throughout the year. This initiative aims to highlight and celebrate their determination and ambition in their schoolwork. Each portfolio is carefully bound, creating a tangible record of their growth and accomplishments. Students then have the opportunity to meet with a senior member of staff to discuss their portfolio, ask questions, and reflect on their learning journey. The Proud Portfolio is more than just a collection of assignments; it is a celebration of the year they have had and the educational journey they are embarking on. We believe this initiative will continue to inspire students to take pride in their achievements and strive for excellence in their learning. 


This term we have been in the process of recruiting STEM students in Year 7 Nucleus Six. We have recruited 27 Year 7 students from an application of 98 students. Students who have not got any place from those who applied will still have the option of attending STEM enrichment or lectures. Nucleus Six also saw an overwhelming number of applicants. We are in the process of giving conditional offers to the ones who were successful in the interviews. 

After our successful trip to South Africa, the next cohort has left for Zanzibar. Students are currently in Zanzibar working on conservation as their chosen field of fieldwork. This is the link to the video we are sharing in our assembly and our governors too. 


As part of our mission to become more carbon neutral, we work with a company called Energy Sparks. They were participating in a national charity event called ‘Running Out Of Time’ in which participants made their way down the country from Ben Nevis in Scotland to Big Ben in London, running, walking, cycling and even by boat in a relay! As part of this, they are stopping at various locations around the country, including our school. This video shows some of our STEM students asking questions related to the event. 

Running Out of Time Video (youtube.com) 

We have had various outreach events including Lego robotics, and SPT pilots for Year 9 students. We are looking forward to the STEM on-track Race event with Campion School that our Year 8 students will be working on. 


Reminder for Year 11s, they should all have applied for a post-16 destination and preferably a backup choice for September. If in doubt, always apply for more than one course as there is a high chance most courses will be at capacity by September. Northampton College has an open day on the 9th July all about apprenticeships, you can 

book online via their website. Starting Off (also apprenticeships) has an online session on the 23rd and can be booked via their website. Support is always available in the careers office at any time of day for all students. 

The Academy hosted a United Learning careers conference this week, which saw career leads from all over the country attend. It was a huge success, and we look forward to implementing some of the ideas next year. Finally, we finish with some labour market information with a focus on the impact of AI on EdTech jobs. Please click the link for more information From Classroom To Career: AI's Impact On Edtech Jobs (forbes.com) 


As the academic year comes to a close, we are filled with pride and gratitude for the fantastic progress our students have made in their character development. This year has been remarkable in many ways, and we are thrilled to share some key highlights with you. 

One of our proudest achievements is retaining our Centre of Excellence status for inclusion. The inspector's commendation was particularly heartening: "Northampton Academy is an outstanding example of inclusion in practice. They live by their commitment to never settling for good enough; always looking to further enhance the provision and experiences for the students." This recognition affirms our dedication to creating an inclusive and supportive environment for every student. 

We are also excited to introduce the Character Charter, a new initiative designed to further enrich our students' character development. This Charter comprises a set of promises that each student will have the opportunity to engage in, fostering their growth and development. Here are some of the key components: 

  • Participation in Co-Curricular Activities: Students will be encouraged to take part in at least one co-curricular club, either within or outside of school, for the duration of the club or for a minimum of one term across several clubs. 
  • Representation and Team Activities: Opportunities will be provided for students to represent their tutor group or class in individual and team activities. 
  • Student Leadership: Students will have the chance to share their views on the school through our student leadership structures. 
  • Personal Development Reflection: Regular reflections on their aspirations and personal development goals with an adult in the school. 
  • Inspirational Experiences: Hearing from an inspirational speaker or coach. 
  • Community Support: Opportunities to support the school community through various initiatives. 

Moreover, this year has been exceptional in terms of charitable fundraising. We are supporting three charities: Cynthia Spencer, Street Child, and Hope Centre. Through events like My Culture Day, Winter Fayre, and Summer Fayre, we have raised substantial funds for these worthy causes. If our students continue to give as generously as they have so far, this will be a record-breaking year for donations. 

Speaking of fundraising, we would like to remind you that the Summer Fayre is scheduled for the 19th July. Please refer to Mr Anderson's letter for more details on this exciting event. We look forward to seeing you there and making it a memorable occasion for everyone. 

We are incredibly proud of the commitment and generosity our students have shown. Their involvement and enthusiasm in all these initiatives are a testament to their character and the supportive community we have built together. 

First day September 2024 

We are excited to welcome your child/children back to Northampton Academy for the new school year on Wednesday, 4th September. It is crucial for students to start the year on the front foot, and being present on the first day sets a positive tone for their academic success. Attendance is a top priority for the Academy, and we will respectfully follow up on any absences to ensure all students benefit from the full educational experience. We look forward to a productive and engaging year ahead. 

Thank you for your continued support. 

Kind regards, 

Owen Jones 


Principal's Fortnightly Message 5th July 2024

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