Northampton Academy Sharp System

Our Sharp System is a portal where you can access helpful information and report and concerns or difficulties you have confidentially to our Pastoral Support Team.
We all work hard together at Northampton Academy to help with any problems you may have inside or outside of the Academy. If you wish to contact us about something that is bothering you, then send a confidential message to the Pastoral Support Team via our Sharp System. You don't have to leave your details if you don't want to - just leave the boxes on the Send Report page blank.
Please take the time to look through the pages and if you feel that you can help to keep the Academy a safe, friendly and fun place to be you can get in touch using the Send Report link.
This is a CONFIDENTIAL way to stop YOU or a FRIEND or SOMEONE you know from SUFFERING.
Telling School Post Boxes
Another way for students to tell us of any issues are the confidential 'Telling School' boxes which are positioned around the school. These are emptied regularly by the learning managers and any issues are dealt with accordingly.