Start Educational Resource
Dear Parents and Carers,
Help your child explore their future career and education options at home by encouraging them to register onto Start - a fantastic online careers learning tool. Start is accessible anytime on computers and compatible mobile and tablet devices, and is designed to enable young people to make excellent choices about their futures.
How should my child use it?
All new users will need to register to create an account the first time they use Start (see step by step instructions for how to do this attached). When learners log in they will be able to explore freely or they can take a tour of the site.
Your child will be able to personalise their profile with details about their skills, qualities, interests and work preferences and the system will generate job suggestions matched to their personality. They will then be able to map an educational pathway to their dream career and see live job and apprenticeship vacancies.
Young people often find it difficult to recognise their strengths, therefore sitting with them and suggesting skills you think they have could be helpful. You may also want to give them ideas about how to stand out from the crowd in order to achieve their dream job. Encourage them to rate jobs, qualifications and destinations so that their teachers can view their preferences in order to support them further.
What if I want to use Start myself?
That's fine - as well as discussing job ideas and education routes with your child, you are also welcome to find out more about job opportunities for yourself. We would, however, ask you not to log in using your child's user details and instead register yourself using the same steps outlined below, choosing parent instead of student and creating your own username and password.
For more information on Start or the support available for your son or daughter, please contact Mrs Karen Betty on 01604-211038 or via
Yours sincerely,
Mrs K Betty Head of Careers & Enterprise
How to Register
Create a Start account by following these simple steps.
- Go to and click Register
- Enter your first name, surname and email address. Click Next
Tip: If you forget your user name or password we will use this email address to send you a reminder
- Start typing the name of your school or college to find your establishment.
- Select the Student check box and enter your registration code: 27226
Tip: Parents please select the Parent check box and use the same code
- Select your gender, date of birth and current year group
Tip: Parents do not need to enter their date of birth or year group
- Choose a memorable username and a secure password. Read and agree to the privacy policy and click Submit
Tip: User names need to be unique and memorable. Learners may want to use their school network log in details or email address as their username.
You are now ready to log in to Start. Click Login and enter your username and password. Users can request a reminder of their username or password by clicking Forgot Username or Forgot Password.
We hope you enjoy using Start! If you would like to offer any ideas for how to make the resource even better please send them to